Client Appreciation Party
Thank you to everyone that came to the first inaugural IdahoLeAnn Client Appreciation Party--A Smokin' Good Time! We had a great time listening to tunes, smokin' meat, and taking Fall Family Photos. The weather was amazing, and everyone enjoyed themselves throughout the day and into the night.
The night closed out with a giant bonfire and listening to Good Time Charlie. A few people decided to camp out and have breakfast the next morning. All in all, it was an amazing event, and I'm so appreciative of everyone that came out. I'm already planning for next year, a date will be announced soon!

Smoked Meat Contest Winners
1st Place Cody and Melissa Seibel
2nd Place Matt Walo
1st Place Mike Teeter
2nd Place Dallas Jensen
1st Place James Amy Jones
2nd Place Mike Teeter
1st Place Cody and Melissa Seible
2nd Place Matt Walo